Saturday, September 12, 2009

Read Out Loud in British English

A while back I had a little story accepted by a creative British organization called The Liars' League. Every month they hold an evening at which actors read short stories that have won their contest, and they also post the stories and the MP3s on their web site. I've attached the MP3 to a video and I'm uploading it here.
The pictures aren't really connected to the words. I found out that the only way to upload an audio file is to use Windows Move Maker to make the audio file into a sound track, and then you can stick whatever picture you like on it.
It was very amusing to me to hear my work enunciated very carefully in British English. It was also amusing to me to hear the audience's reaction: it took them a while to figure out that it was supposed to be funny. Probably because of the deadpan delivery. I wish I could have been there in person. Next trip to London!

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