Monday, August 26, 2019

Report from Yet Another Workshop

This summer I took part in the annual Klezmer workshop at the Jerusalem Academy for Music and Dance: 7 days of playing music with other musicians. I took part in the Balkan Music ensemble, led by the accordion virtuoso, Emil Aybinder. Emil was not particularly interested in me as a musician, as he saw his purpose as encouraging the young musicians in our group to practice fanatically in order to become successful professionals. I didn't mind.For me, participating in the workshop was confirmation that I can learn to play a new style  of music, and I can grow as a musician, even at my advanced age. Also, playing with young musicians is a kick.
Here's a video of one of our performances.

Among the teachers at the workshop were two world class clarinetists: Corrado Giufreddi and Franklin Cohen. I attended their master classes and saw and heard how they work with young musicians, and I also heard them perform. What a privilege!
In addition, a quartet based in Munich also came, the Gitanes Blondes. They have played a lot with Giora Feidman, one of the musicians responsible for reviving Klezmer music. Playing with them was fun and inspiring.
Best of all, these great musicians were all friendly and accessible, modest, if you will.

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